There have been a few developments for HO scale freight car builders. Let’s review the news and catch everyone up.
First up, Jerry Hamsmith has a new batch of HO scale CB&Q FM-11 flat car kits available. He sold out of these kits at RPM Chicagoland. We featured George Toman’s work on this new model in a recent RCW blog post. Ordering details can be reviewed on Jerry Hamsmith’s kit order form.
Next up is a new company with a freight car focus. Prototype Junction (LINK: ) announced their plans for several HO scale, plastic injection-mold kits at the recent Prototype Rails RPM in Cocoa Beach. Single-sheathed boxcars of the Santa Fe, Chicago Great Western, Pere Marquette, Chesapeake & Ohio, Rock Island, and Louisville & Nashville are planned. Their website features additional updates while their Indiegogo page offers details on how you can be a part of their first round of model releases.
Another new company is on the scene with a few HO scale resin kits in production. Southbound Model Works & Decal Company has a few caboose models and a classic Seaboard V-9 class ventilated boxcar listed on their site. They have more kits in the works.
Westerfield Models has released versions of a Santa Fe 50-foot, automobile boxcar design. These feature distinctive sectional sheathing design used on a few other Santa Fe boxcars. The sheathing and doors will make these cars stand out in a string of boxcars.
Lastly, Resin Car Works has sold out of the Illinois Central boxcar mini-kits. These were introduced in mid-December and sold quickly. Frank and the RCW minions thank you for your support! We are working on another freight car model and hope to announce it soon on the blog.
We can’t finish off an update without waving the RPM flag. Prototype Rails at Cocoa Beach recently celebrated the 20th annual gathering. Ted Culotta and Tony Thompson have each posted event photos and their views on their blogs.
A dozen more RPM meets are on the schedule before June, and several more are lined up for the last half of 2020. Check the calendar and make plans to attend one or two of these events. RPMs are being held around the US and several in Canada. These are great gatherings to meet modelers, soak in prototype and modeling presentations, and review a crop of amazing models. Bring along some cash as there are vendors at each event. I hope to see you at an upcoming RPM!
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What was the service life of the Fe-Q?
The 500 Fe-Q’s were built in 1924. The similar 500 Fe-R’s were built in 1926 with different roofs and trucks. In 1934 10 Q’s were rebuilt with the door openings widened from 10 feet to 12 feet. The new doors were Youngstown, and the rebuilt cars had AB brakes and Ajax hand brakes. They were classed Fe-V. Westerfield has introduced kits for all three classes. They have one piece bodies that I think are really well done. I do not believe there have been kits for these cars before now. All of these cars were rebuilt into steel box or automobile cars during the mid 1940’s.
Bird man,
What do you use to wash the resin kit out of the box with? Going to be starting my first resin kit soon.
Bloomington, Indiana
Ron, many people wash the major castings after removing flash. I use an unscented dishwashing detergent. Ivory and Dawn are two brands that offer plain, unscented versions. Use a soft bristle toothbrush to scrub the parts. Rinse thoroughly and set them aside to dry. Download and read through the Resin Freight Car Kit Primer the Helpful Links page here for more tips and techniques. – Eric H.
Does Jerry Hamsmith have an email address? I’m wondering if he will be at the Valley Forge RPM end of March and if I could buy a CB&Q flat car kit from him there.
Colin, I’ll check with Jerry, but he is based in metro-Chicago so the possibility is slim. – Eric