Thanks for reading the Resin Car Works blog. We strive to feature prototype modeling as an inspiration for modelers to move their projects forward.
We welcome posts from many modelers. If you have a model or technique to share on the blog, please contact Frank or Eric to start the process. Send along a photo and a short description of your work. Your photo will look best if it is taken in a well lit part of your layout or workbench. Please do not send any material that you have already submitted to or had published in a magazine. We will respond to your submission as soon as we can.
Resin Car Works does not offer compensation for use of your work on the blog. Articles posted to the blog are intended to share information, to advance the skill sets of individuals, and to promote prototype model railroading.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Frank Hodina – Resin Car Works
rcw2 at resincarworks dot com
Eric Hansmann – RCW web and blog manager
eric at hansmanns dot org
Substitute the proper symbols for the AT and DOT, and remove the spaces to complete the email address. We want to minimize our spam collection.