Tag Archives: automobile boxcar

Central of New Jersey boxcar group build, pt 2

Model and photo by Ed Rethwisch

Jerry Hamsmith shares part two of the Central of New Jersey automobile box car build.

This post continues the discussion of the addition of the underframe details. The first post ended with the observation that the AB control valve and the reservoir were placed on the same side of the center sill. Although that was common practice on converted brake system cars with deep fishbelly center sills, it was not as common on cars with a standard center sill as on this CNJ car.

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Central of New Jersey boxcar group build, pt 1

Model and photo by Allen DeBraal

Jerry Hamsmith has compiled a post covering a group build for a Resin Car Works kit. Here’s Jerry with the details.

Recently, a group of fellow modelers (Ed Rethwisch, Bob Hanmer, Allen DeBraal, Jerry Zeman, and myself) successfully completed a build of the newly released Resin Car Works Kit 19.01, a Central Railroad of New Jersey 1923 door-and-a-half automobile box car. This series of posts will follow along with the build and describe our techniques. We hope this encourages modelers to build any resin kit and, specifically, aid in building this RCW kit.

Continue reading Central of New Jersey boxcar group build, pt 1