The latest variant of COVID-19 has been easing and several Railroad Prototype Modeler (RPM) events have started promoting their date and registration. These are schedule for many regions of the US and Canada.
I updated the RPM Calendar on my DesignBuildOp blog. I checked the websites for several older events and found new details for their 2022 events. I updated each with the information from the event website or Facebook pages.
The Valley Forge crew has been busy promoting their March RPM. The Savannah meet is also set for March, and there’s a new RPM in western New York in conjunction with a train show in Batavia.
The Indy Junction event is pretty big. Three NMRA regions are combining for one convention, plus the RPM Conference will be sharing the facilities. I hear the hotel rooms have been selling fast.
I received a message from the New England/Northeast RPM folks recently. They found a new facility in Springfield, MA, for their gathering. This has become a very strong RPM over the years.
Promotions for the Red River RPM in Texas popped up in several Facebook groups recently. It’s great to see that June event rolling for a second year.
Another big St Louis RPM is set for the end of July. The organizers have increased their space to accommodate more model displays and vendors. Frank Hodina is planning to be there with Resin Car Works goodies.
Visit the RPM Calendar to review dates, locations, and links to the individual events.
If I missed your event on the calendar or have posted an error with an RPM, please get in touch with the details at eric@hansmanns.org to I can update the calendar. It’s challenging to keep track of all RPM events. You can also post the details in a comment below.
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Savannah Ga RPM March 25-26
It’s on the RPM calendar! – Eric H.
A new RPM will be held in Western New York. The Batavia RPM meet will be held in conjunction with the Great Batavia Train Show on April 3, 2022. Email Mike Pyzek (mpyzek@gmail.com) for full details.
The RPM is on the calendar, Mike. Best of luck with this new event! – – Eric H.
The Batavia RPM meet is sponsored jointly by the Lakeshores Division of the NMRA and the Genesee Society of Model Engineers (www.gsme.org) We plan for this to be an annual event.
Typo on the ‘RPM event calendar’ page:
“Past 2021 events’ is there twice… Top one should be “Past 2022 events’
Thanks for collecting and maintaining this list!
Thank you for the proof reading nudge, Richard! – – Eric H.