Instructions have been posted for the Resin Car Works decal and detail hoppers. This combo converts Atlas HO scale models to follow Chicago & Eastern Illinois and Missouri Pacific prototype offset side hoppers.
These instructions include several prototype images to assist in detailing and decaling your models. These PDF files can be downloaded from the Extras page for this combo package.

The pandemic has upset nearly all of our 2020 hobby events and is affecting several early 2021 gatherings. Hunter Hughson, Ryan Mendell, and Ted Culotta have been hosting virtual RPM events via the Zoom meeting platform under the name Hindsight 20/20.
These events have been held on Saturdays and feature several 30 minute presentations on prototypes and modeling. There have also been special Wednesday evening Hindsight events that focus on a single longer presentation. Registration is required but there is no event cost. Donations can be made via a PayPal tip jar link.
Details for the upcoming October 24th Hindsight 20/20 event have been posted. The line up and registration link are at the Speedwitch Media site.
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