New PFE reefer kit

Resin Car Works has a new HO scale kit; a Pacific Fruit Express R-30/40-9 reconditioned wood reefer! This kit features a one-piece carbody to ease assembly and includes several detail parts. This kit reflects the cars bearing the Western Pacific emblem.

Will Whittaker photo, circa 1941, Tony Thompson collection

PFE started rebuilding older reefers through the 1930s. The R-30-9 and R-40-9 car classes were upgraded older R-30-11, -12, -13, and -14 cars and R-40-2 reefers. These cars retained the original underframes and KC brake systems. The WP had about 2,660 R-30-9 class cars operating to 1952. Those were rebuilt again with 899 lasting to 1963.

Visit the Resin Car Works website to print out and complete the PDF order form. Send it in with your payment and shipping details. We do not take kit orders via email.

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7 thoughts on “New PFE reefer kit

  1. Some corrections to the data provided by Tony Thompson:
    “The original 2775 cars had dwindled to 916 cars by 1950, many of them stored unserviceable. When the rebuilding began in 1953, WP had agreed to pay for 900 cars being rebuilt, but only 899 cars in good enough condition to rebuild were found, and the rest were scrapped . By 1962 there were only 122 cars of the rebuilt WP fleet still working.”

  2. Friends,

    What era is your new WP/PFE refrigerator? You show a photo of the 1939-1942 rebuilt cars and a model to match same, but the detail photo of the model has steel hatch covers and no hatch platform, which is more typical the 1952 rebuilding.

    1. Good catch, Garth! I used the wrong image for this kit release. I changed out the image for one that reflects this new kit. You now have an idea of a future model release! – Eric H.

    2. Garth,
      I understand from the instructions all versions after the end 1930’s rebuild program can be made, including the 1952 modernized version. Even a WP Ice Service reefer, if you use the Tichy decal set.
      cheers, Fred

    3. K brakes were completely banned effective 1 January, 1954. Were any of these cars converted to AB brakes prior to that date?

      1. Yes Jim, 899 of these cars were rebuilt by PFE in Roseville in 1952. Hatch platforms were removed, Preco fan & plate mounted and AB brakes installed. The batch was renumbered into 55001-55900. Paint was orange sides & harware, red ends and roof, black trucks. Later many of these also received bolster reinforcement plates.
        best regards,
        Fred Jansz

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