Bill Welch returns with an Xxtreme Modeler update. Here’s his latest!
The Xxtreme Modeler (a.k.a. “The Reluctant Weatherer”) has gone off the deep end as he attempts to build 1/48 models (O Scale) in 1/87 (HO). For him this means trying to improve the “fineness” of his models by reducing the cross section of the parts he uses to detail his models.
Carefully shaving down Tichy Train Group turnbuckles can create a finer clevis to connect the brake cylinder with the brake rods, and other brake rod connections. Modelers have been using Tichy turnbuckles to create clevises for awhile now because they are styrene and therefore easy to glue. Recently while preparing to cut one end off of several of the turnbuckles, the Xxtreme Modeler had the idea of trimming them down lengthwise to produce a finer part. This process went pretty fast with a new single-edge razor blade and the results were satisfying.
Is he insane?!
You can be the judge.
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I am interested in resin cars. I have heard many different opinions on how to remove the resin residue before painting. I have had a couple of issues with vehicles, i.e. Sylvan and others, not drying to the touch, ever. Before I make the investment in more expensive kits I want the best way to assure my paint will dry. Soap and water hasn’t done the trick. Your models look great. I like that you want them to be used on layouts. Respectfully, Ron Simunic
Nice job bill.
That’s one of those “Why didn’t I think of that” ideas. It looks so great and so simple. Thanks for bringing that to us, Bill. I’ll definitely incorporate that into my next build, an RCW ACF Type 103 tank car and the next step is the brake rigging.
Only Crazy people write in the Third Person.
That is a great idea Bill. Looks are greatly improved by this simple procedure.
Thanks for sharing
George Toman
Great idea. I will add it to my book of tricks.
As for the sanity of it, I have been charged with being a little touched myself.
Howard (1905) Garner
I can only wish my hands were as steady-more power to him