Here we are rounding out another year. The Resin Car Works minions thank you for your support and encouragement. May you and your families find peace and joy this holiday season. We are looking forward to the upcoming year with exciting kit releases, blog posts, and RPM events.
As a reminder, Resin Car Works will be shut down until the second week of January. Please be patient if you have sent an order. We will catch up when we restart operations after our holiday break.
In other news, RCW web guy Eric Hansmann is on the move again. I plan to complete a move to metro Philadelphia within the next couple of months. My wife and I are excited for this new adventure! We soon hope to find a basement that includes suitable above ground living quarters.
If all goes according to plan, Frank is retiring in mid-February to spend more time in Florida, create new freight car patterns. and live life. To keep your RCW interest elevated, this will be our first kit issued in the New Year.

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Thank you for creating and continuing a great resin model adventure for all of us to continue and expand our modeling skills.
Eric Hansmann’s goal to “….find a basement that includes suitable above ground living quarters….” for his upcoming move exemplifies the spirit of a “committed-to-the-hobby” modeler!
Wishing everyone a Blessed, Joyous and Safe Christmas and New Year!