ACF Industries, Hawkins/Wider/Long collection
Resin Car Work chief minion Frank Hodina recently discovered some lost treasure; a stash of decals from our first kit run! These are for the Shippers Car Line acid tank car Kit 1.01. Very few decal sets are on hand for these kits. When these are gone, the kits will truly be gone. Visit the website for details and the order form.

ACF Industries, Hawkins/Wider/Long collection
Only a few of the limited-edition HO scale acid tank car kit with DuPont decals are on hand. The model is from our Kit 1.0 releases but this DuPont version had not been produced. We do not plan to reissue this DuPont version. Visit the website for the order form.

Pullman-Standard photo, SLHTS Archives collection
Frank has caught up on orders and is prepping new kit masters. Resin Car Works hopes to finally release a kit for the SOO 50-foot automobile boxcar with centered double doors. A 6.5K gallon UTLX X-3 tank car is also coming along.

ACF Industries, Steve Hile collection
There’s a lot more on the workbench in various stages of development. A current issue for kit releases is a decal supply, but we are working on a solution.
Was there a 12,500 gal. X-3? If so, that is a kit I would like to have.
Dale Florence