As 2015 winds down, we would like to keep you informed as to “what’s happening” at Resin Car Works.
The Hooker acid tank car (Kit 1.05) is sold out as the decal stock is gone. Almost 50 of these kits were sold. That’s ten times the number of prototype cars that were built. The remaining acid tank car kits are available but can’t be shipped until we’re restocked with brass detail parts. With luck we’ll be shipping kits before Christmas. An update will be posted when these kits are being shipped again. We expect the limited stock of these kits to sell quickly.
We have a new decal set available for GACX 1321 cubic foot covered hoppers. These are GACX cars in the 40000 to 40199 series leased to Owens-Illinois with Duraglas lettering.
The decals can be used on the Funaro & Camerlengo kit #7090 or 7091, or on an Erie car of this type which was produced as a brass model by Precision Scale Company, to reflect another interesting prototype.
The NKP passenger and small steam loco decals are currently sold out. Reprinting these sets will be determined by demand. All other decals are in good supply at this time. Check out our decal page for more!
2016 Kits
There are several exciting projects moving forward for release in the next year. Expect to see kits for a fleet-builder coal hauling hopper, an express box car, a couple more tank cars, and possibly some mini-kits with decals to transform Accurail models to follow specific prototypes.

Those are our hopes and dreams for new kits in 2016. Please remember that Resin Car Works is not my main job. Additionally, these kits depend upon the work of several friends assisting with various production phases that are in addition to their real-life jobs. Resin Car Works is a consortium of prototype modelers working towards fabulous railroad models for your model railroad. Several of the projects mentioned are coming along, but delays can and will arise for a variety of reasons. Your patience is appreciated as we swing through the holiday season towards our second year.
Thank you for the update Eric. These all sound great. Merry Christmas to you and the crew.