A new email discussion list has started and modelers have been sharing their work. Here are a few of the posts. A link to the group will be offered at the end.
On my workbench is an HO scale Speedwitch Media kit K111, a 1.5 door, single-sheathed automobile boxcar built by the Pere Marquette in 1926-27. Mine reflects their second group of cars, which rode on Dalman Two-Level trucks. I lettered one side of the car for the PM and the other side for the C&O, their final owner. I built the model 2-3 years ago and in the intervening time started improving ladders using 0.010 styrene rod to replace the ladder rungs. I did the same for this model before painting using my preferred Badger “Modelflex” paint and my reliable Badger 155 Anthem airbrush at 20 lbs. PSI. I have started adding chalk mark decals and will add reweigh and lube date decals.
Bill Welch
I’m amidst the weathering process on a Yarmouth Model Works Canadian Pacific single-sheathed automobile boxcar. I began with TruColor paint, decals, and a Vallejo dull finish. This water based finish accepts pastel pencil coloring very well. Solvent paints tend to reject water based pastels.
For the weathering, I first wet the surface lightly with plain water, then with a damp brush I add pastel-black and allow the pigments to flow into the seams and corners of braces and details. When everything is dry, various grays and browns are applied on the boards with very sharp pencils. After that a light wash with black blends everything. You can see here and there that the colors aren’t distributed very well, this has to be corrected of course. It’s a tedious but rewarding job.
Fred Jansz
I did some CB&Q SM-16 stock cars and an SM-18. There is a very small difference between the classes. The SM-16 had both wood herald & reporting number boards. The SM-18 cars used steel on both. These are the only real spotting features I can spot other than the car numbers.
Ed Rethwisch
Ed also shared this image of the model underframe work before it was painted.
I’m finishing a Yarmouth Model Works ACL O-16-B rebuilt automobile boxcar. It will be cleaned next, then it’s off to the paint booth. I had some issues with the lower side sill and decided to sand it down and glue some styrene for a nice square edge. I also made my own brake wheel platform and brackets from 0.005-inch brass. The brackets broke at the fold line even while being careful when bending. Overall a very nice kit to build.
George Toman
Thanks to Bill, Fred, Ed, and George for sharing their work. These images were all shared on a new email discussion list over the course of few days. If you need inspiration to build a resin freight car kit, I encourage you to join the Resin Freight Car Builders discussion list. As you can see from the examples here, the discussions can focus on building and finishing models. These were only a handful of the models that were shared over a few days.
The group is hosted on the Groups.io web platform. If you already have a Groups.io account, click on the link above or search for Resin Freight Car Builders to join the new group.
If you do not have a Groups.io account, you will need to set one up. It is similar to setting up an account with other online services. The key is creating an account using your email address and password so you can access the site.
There is also a companion group that focuses on plastic freight car kits. The group name is Plastic Freight Car Builders and they also share information.
Facebook has a number of groups that cover similar ground. The Resin Builder Site focuses on resin kit building. The Magic of Freight Car Modeling & Weathering has a wide range of posts, as does Freight Car Enthusiast. You must be a Facebook member to view and participate in many of these groups. These three groups are just the tip of the model railroad oriented groups that are on the Facebook social media platform.
These groups are resources that you can use to build and detail those kits that have been collecting over the years. I hope you consider joining these discussion groups and start building some freight car kits! We all learn when we share our successes and failures.
Seems to me that resin car models are pre 1950s. Will there ever be any post 1950? Would really like to see plug door boxcar corrugated gondola & tank car models from the 1970s.
Great modeling.I am in the process of building an F&C Reading Auto Box.I can not find an appropriate paint.It is ready to be washed.Any suggestions ?