July RCW kit updates

It’s time for another update on Resin Car Works kits!

The CB&Q XM-32 boxcars (Kit 8.01) remain on hold as we await a decal shipment. Up next will be the SFRD Rr-35/36/39/40 refrigerator cars. These will be released at the Santa Fe Historical and Modeling Society convention in Lisle (same place as RPM Chicagoland) on the July 21st weekend. We will post a blog announcement when these kits are available via the Resin Car Works kits page.

A flat car load is nearly ready. This will be an electrical transformer load. Frank did a similar load for Sunshine Models years ago. This new version will be a one-piece kit with some extra crates.

Coming in the fall, we hope to release the Soo 50-foot, steel-sheathed automobile boxcar. If casting goes well, we will try and have the 70-ton Milwaukee Road composite gondolas available.

Looking beyond, a UTLX 6.5K gallon X-3 tank car with two frame styles is targeted towards the end of 2018, or early 2019.

5 thoughts on “July RCW kit updates

  1. Actually, the GN art work does not need to be created: Speedwitch already has the decals.

  2. Is the Great Northern wood sheathed boxcar still in the queue? I’d really like one of those numerous, distinctive cars.


    1. Brian, Frank says the masters are ready. Casting time needs to be lined up and decal art needs to be created. The other kits noted here are beyond those stages. – Eric H.

      1. Cool! Thanks for the info. I’m looking forward to the MILW gon and the 6k X-3, too.

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