The Resin Car Works website has been updated with currently available freight car kits!
Continue reading August RCW kit updateThe Resin Car Works website has been updated with currently available freight car kits!
Continue reading August RCW kit updateResin Car Works honcho Frank Hodina is ready for a road trip to the St. Louis RPM! The lead image shows how the packed-and-ready kits have dominated a level of Frank’s HO scale layout.
Continue reading Next stop, St. Louis RPM!Another prototype has been found for the Resin Car Works Enterprise design, 33-foot, offset-side, twin hopper kit. Decal art has been produced and we can announce a new addition to the line! Kit 2.04 covers the Escanaba & Lake Superior hoppers.
Continue reading Another hopper kit additionResin Car Works honcho Frank Hodina was recently alerted to a prototype hopper that matched the RCW model for the Enterprise design, 33-foot, offset-side, twin hopper that has been in production for a while. Decal art has been produced and we can announce a new addition to the line! Kit 2.03 covers the KGB&W hoppers.
Continue reading New hopper kit addition